Desktop Review for Hardrock ProjectReviewed current operation of the Kelsey jigs at a Processing Plant for tungsten fines. Reviewed proposed hardrock processing plant with respect to fit for purpose and whether economically viable.
Tungsten Plant Operation AuditConducted an audit on the operation of a tungsten plant including observing the Slimes Table Testing in order to comment on the methodology. Submitted report following receipt of assaying and sizing laboratory data from the site and commented on methodology.
Process Water ReviewReviewed the mill water balances for a copper and gold processing plant and proposed changes to significantly reduce fresh water addition and reduce contaminated water discharges from site.
Review of Proposal from Major Engineering HouseEmployed by mining customer to provide independent review of the technical and economic feasibility of proposed plant upgrades as proposed by major engineering house. The outcome was some proposals were adopted, some were modified and some were dropped.
Confined Spaces AuditReviewed the definitions and procedures currently used at a customers mine site. Utilitsing Australian Standard AS2865:2009 updated the standards, safe working procedures and rescue procedures used for confined spaces at the mine site. Delivered a better focus on dangerous work locations while removing unnecessary hindrances and offering substantial improvement on maintenance and operational efficiencies.
Flotation Circuit Reconfiguration CalculationsHydraulic calculations and calculation checks of proposed modifications for the reconfiguration of a copper flotation circuit at a processing plant. Assessed the suitability of pipe sizing and made comments on pump size suitability. This provided the customer with independent advice and the confidence to fast-track proposed changes.
Technical and Metallurgical Support to Existing OperationsA customer had an issue with the accuracy and repeatability of their XRF analyser leading to problems with product specification. Audited and found solutions to the issues and then provided training to the customer to allow them to operate their XRF at maximum accuracy and repeatability thus allowing them to provide product at specification.